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Cherif Aissi, D. Sc.


D.Sc., Electrical Engineering, George Washington University, 1988
M.S., Electrical Engineering, George Washington University, 1983
B.S., Electronics, University of Science and Technology, Algiers, Algeria, 1980

Contact Information:

P.O. Box 43636
Lafayette, LA 70504-3636
Rougeou Hall 218

Phone: 337-482-6971

Areas of Specialization:

Dr. Aissi has more than twenty years of teaching and research experiments in electrical and electronics engineering and technology with emphasis in design of microprocessors-based systems, intelligent microcontrollers, and analysis of nonlinear dynamics of complex systems including chaos and neural networks.

Research Interests:

    Design of Microprocessors-based Systems
    Intelligent Microcontrollers
    Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems Including Chaos and Neural Networks