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LCM Director


             Ahmed Khattab, Ph.D.
             Director of The Laboratory For Composite Materials
             Dean and Professor
             BoRSF Endowed Professor of Engineering
             Rougeou Hall Rm 219
             P.O. Box 42972
             Lafayette, LA 70504-2972
             Tel: 337-482-6166



Dr. Khattab is Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and a graduate faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He started his appointment with UL Lafayette in January 2007. Dr. Khattab was awarded the Leeand Ken Matherne/BORSF Professorship in Engineering from 2010 till 2016. In 2012, he was the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, College of Engineering, UL Lafayette. In 2014, he was the recipient of the Outstanding Faculty for Student Outreach Award, College of Engineering, UL Lafayette. Dr. Khattab has established, and is the director of the Laboratory for Composite Materials (LCM) at UL Lafayette. Dr. Khattab has been involved for over 20 years in Teaching, Research and Development (R&D). During which he worked on design and construction of prototypes for automated machines by reverse engineering method.He has research interests in analytical and experimental development of new processes for polymer composite materials for Aerospace and Automotive applications as well as in processing and, characterization of Nano-particles reinforced polymer composites. Dr. Khattab’s research addresses a major thrust in materials research as well as a critical need in manufacturing of high-performance advanced composite materials. His research focuses on understanding the fundamental knowledge of the processing-structure-performance relationships of composite materials which is required in order to tailor material properties to meet the needs of a specific application.

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